ResearchThe Tidball lab studies the mechanisms of human developmental brain malformations, including neural tube defects and focal cortical dysplasia. We use single rosette brain organoids, pluripotent stem cells, and CRISPR technology to discover or confirm novel genes that lead to these conditions. We also model the effects of neuroteratogens, compounds that disrupt development of the CNS when ingested during pregnancy.
Novel mTOR regulatorsTo identify novel genes that cause focal cortical dysplasia, we utilized a CRISPRi screen for negative mTOR regulators in induced neurons. We are investigating 12 novel genes and their cell signaling mechanisms.
Neural tube defect geneticsAlthough neural tube defects are known to have a large genetic component, NTD genetics are largely unexplored in human cellular models. We are using our single rosette brain organoid model (SOSRS) to identify the structural changes in organoids with possible NTD-causing gene variants.
Pharmaceutical teratogensSeveral classes of pharmaceuticals are known to cause neural tube defects. We are using our SOSRS model to identify relative risk within these drug families.